Macho, ~ 10 anos, grande
O Motard andava literalmente no meio da estrada que liga Quinta do Conde a Redondos, em direcção à Rotunda do Marco do Grilo. Ele andava no meio da faixa. Os colaboradores que o viram e tentaram apanhar não conseguiam, os carros não paravam para que tentassem colocá-lo no carro.
Até que um motard parou e ajudou a apanhá-lo. Assim foi "baptizado".
Até que um motard parou e ajudou a apanhá-lo. Assim foi "baptizado".
Depois foi submetido a uma operação cirurgica, onde lhe foram removidos 10 dentes que lhe davam fortes dores, foi castrado e diagnosticado displasia da anca. Por ser velho e ter estes problemas foi abandonado, atirado fora. Mas pelo estado deploravel dos seus dentes nunca foi um cao bem tratado (talvez quando era cachorro lhe achassem graça).... Agora tem de tomar todos os dias condroprotector. Tem dores nas articulações e fica "resmungao". Para ter uma velhice mais suave deve tomar protector para as articulações todos os dias. É a idade..... pedimos apoio para este medicamento, que há à venda com diversas designações.
Male, ~ 10 years old
The dog was walking, limping, in the middle of the road, between two lines of cars. It is the road that goes from Quinta do Conde to Redondos, direction to the round-about of Marco do Grilo. So he was between the cars and Bianca volunteers noticed him and tried to catch him to put him in the car but he was not stopping. It was not getting any easier with cars going, noone stopped to help and on this road at this hour, 19.00, there is quite a traffic and not much light. Until one young guy on a motorbike stopped and helped. And this is how Motard got his name.
He was taken to the shelter. Later on he had to undergo an operation during which 10 of his teeth were removed and he was castrated. The teeth were giving him lots of pain, he could hardly eat. He was also diagnosed with a serious hip displasia. It is probably because of being old and having health problems that he was thrown away like trash. But then, he had probably never been well taken care of judging by the state of his teeth. Or maybe only at the beginning when he was still a cute fluffy puppy...... Now he has to take every day a medication containing condroprotector. This is a medication prescribed to use in elderly dogs with articular problems. Motard is an old dog and he has such problems. It is normal in the big dogs of such age.
We would like to increase Motard's quality of life so we are asking for help either by donation of such medications (they exist under various names) or by a financial donation to buy the medication.
We would like to increase Motard's quality of life so we are asking for help either by donation of such medications (they exist under various names) or by a financial donation to buy the medication.
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