Cadela, ~ 4 anos, garnde
Foi amarrada ao portão do abrigo da Bianca. Estava magra e quase sem pêlos no corpo. Muito assustada, conseguiu fugir tirando a coleira que trazia, pela cabeça. Procurámo-la por toda a parte sem sucesso. No dia seguinte vimos-a na berma da estrada, deitada à sombra (fazia muito calor), cansada e com sede. Conseguimos colocar uma trela no pescoço e levá-la de carro. O tratamento à sua sarna foi muito demorado, durou vários meses, e hoje tem um pêlo bonito e tem cerca de 40 Kg. Pode ser desconfiada com estranhos, mas connosco é uma doce.
Female, ~ 4 years old, bog
Lusa was found attached to the door of Bianca shelter with a heavy chain. She was very thin and nearly with no fur on her body. She was very scared. She actually managed to escape by wriggling her head through the collar. We went looking for her but we could not find her. The next day we saw Lusa laying in the shade by the side of the road (it was very hot on that day), very tired and thirsty. We managed to put a collar on her and lead her to the car. Lusa had sarna, a skin parasite, the treatment of which took many months. Nowadays Lusa is a big animal of 40 kgs and her fur is dense and beautiful. She may be not very confident with strangers but with us she is very sweet.
Lusa, quando encontrada/ Lusa when we found her:

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