Cadela, ~ 2.5 anos
Filha da Madalena, uma cadela selvagem que nunca se deixou apanhar, nasceu na rua e foi resgatada pela Bianca. Os cachorros estavam entalados nos tijolos de uma obra. Apanhámos 7, quatro foram adoptados. Ficaram connosco 3: Ayco, Ador e Aquina. Tinham 2 meses e já eram muito assustados. Aquina tem agora dois anos e meio e é a mais assustada de todos. Tem pavor de pessoas. Nunca se deixa tocar.
Female, ~ 2.5 years old
Aquina is a daughter of Madalena, a wild female who left many puppies to Bianca but who never let herself be caught. One day we found seven puppies, in a hole among bricks on a construction site. We took them to the shelter and four were adopted quite quickly but three stayed with us: Ayco, Ador and Aquina. The puppies were already 2 months old when we found them and they were already quite scared of people. Aquina is now 2.5 years and he is still afraid of strangers. She is actually the most scared of all three siblings, she never lets anyone touch her.
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