Cadela, 2.5 anos
A Brava foi capturada no mato, com dois meses de idade, apavorada, pois nunca ninguém lhe tinha tocado. Está um pouco domesticada mas continua com medo de pessoas, por esse motivo não está disponível para adopção. Ela é feliz no nosso abrigo e isso é o mais importante. Está esterilizada e vacinada. É linda!
Female, 2.5 years old
Brava was born in the forest near the beach and was found at the age of two months and brought to the shelter. She was very scared because noone had ever touched her before. She has now been domesticated a little bit but she is still scared of people and this is why she is not for adoption. She is happy in the shelter and this is the most important. She is now sterilised. She is very beautiful!
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