Macho, 2 anos, meigo e timido
Neste momento, o Evaristo tem cerca de 2 anos, foi para o abrigo com mês e meio, mas muito cedo revelou ter problemas de crescimento. Ao fim de um ano, o diagnóstico final foi "problema de consanguinidade", fruto de reprodução entre animais da mesma família.
O Evaristo está quase cego e nada se pode fazer... É obeso desde cachorro... Enfim, é um animal diferente! A sua adopção ou uma FAT seria um milagre inesperado. O Evaristo precisa de atenção e muito mimo.
Male, 2 years old, gentle and shy
Evaristo is around 2 years old, he was abandoned at the Bianca shelter when he was a 1.5 month old. He was growing quickly and we noticed that something was wrong about him: he was growing too much and disproportionally, he was putting on weight. He is now very fat. Many tests were done, finally the idea is that he is a result of co-sanguinity, genetics gone wrong because of reproducing dogs within the close family. Moreover, recently he started to loose his sight. There is nothing to be done about it, soon he will be completely blind. He needs a temporary or a permanent home but either would be a miracle.
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