Cadela, ~ 4 anos, medio-grande
Nasceu na rua. Nunca a conseguimos capturar para esterilizar, apesar de ser meiga era muito medrosa. Quando esteve grávida fizemos várias tentativas para a capturar mas foram em vão. No entanto, ela foi ter os seus bebes, numa casota de um cão á porta de uma senhora. E aí deixou-se apanhar. Levamo-la para um hotel, pois não tínhamos abrigo, há 3 anos atrás.Os seus filhotes foram adoptados e a Luka vive agora em liberdade dentro do abrigo, em plena harmonia com os outros animais. Continua com medo de estranhos mas é simplesmente feliz!
Female, ~ 4 years old, medium-big
She was born on the streets. We never managed to catch her to sterilise: she was very gentle, but easily scared. When she was pregnant we made several unsuccessful attempts to catch her. But one day she went to give birth to her babies in a dog’s house at the door of someone. Like this we managed to get her. We took her to a “hotel”, as 3 years ago we did not have a shelter yet. Her puppies were quickly adopted and Luka stayed with us. She lives in the shelter and walks around free, in full harmony with other animals. She is still afraid of strangers but nevertheless she leads a happy life!
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