Macho, ~ 3 anos, porte medio
O Monty foi abandonado no dia 22 de Junho/08, de manhã, por os seus donos, um casal que veio do Montijo mesmo para ali o abandonar.
O Monty é um amor, muito assustado, foi um animal mal tratado, tem medo quando nos aproximamos, esconde-se e baixa-se. Tinha um problema nos olhos, mas foi operado no dia 22 de Agosto 2008. Agora está óptimo da saude mas continua timido.
Male, ~ 3 years old, medium size
Monty was abandoned at the shelter on 22nd of June/2008 in the morning by his owners, a couple that came from Montijo especially to dump the dog in Sesimbra. There was noone at the shelter yet, they attached him, left a piece of paper with the name and their telephone number. When we called them the woman said she did not want the dog anymore.
Monty is a lovely dog, very scared and he has certainly been treated very badly as he is scared when we approach him, he hides or he lowers himself and nearly lies down.... Moreover, he had an ilness of his eyes that required a surgery: entropia (eye lids rolling in and causing re-occuring abrasions to the eyes). He was operated on 22nd of August 2008 and it went well. Since then he has been in the shelter. He is fine although still scared of strangers.
Monty antes da operacão aos olhos:

Monty depois da operacão:

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