Cadelas, ~ 2 anos
Nascidas no Ribeiro de Cavalo, Zambujal, Sesimbra. Foi uma carga de trabalhos para apanhá-las. Tivemos de usar uma armadilha. Ao fim de algumas tentativas lá se conseguiu. Estavam muito magras e assustadas. Foram logo esterilizadas. Uma tinha tido bebes há pouco tempo, foram recolhidos por nós e adoptados posteriormente. A outra estava grávida.
São assustadas, mas estão no abrigo em liberdade e é como se ali pertencessem há muito tempo.
Females, ~ 2 years old
They were born in Ribeiro de Cavalo, Zambujal, Sesimbra. It was very difficult to catch them. We had to use a trap. After a few attempts, we managed. They were both very thin and scared. They were immediately sterilised. One had had puppies shortly before, they had been taken to the shelter by us and consequently adopted. The other one was pregnant when we caught her.
They are still scared and mistrustful of people but in the shelter they run free and seem at ease as if they had been born there.
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