Cadela, ~ 3 anos, pequena
A Gabriela foi capturada ela Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra e entregue à Bianca. Tinha sido abandonada na Quinta do Conde andava na estrada a fugir dos carros. Quando chegou era um bicho do mato. O pânico dela não deixava que lhe tocassemos. Refilona, mas muito medrosa. Tipico de um animal que teve pouco carinho e vivia com medo de tudo. Continua assustada e só deixa tocar de fugida. Mas no seu espaço é uma rainha!
Female< ~ 3 years old, small
Gabriela was caught by the minicipal services of Sesimbra and passed on to Bianca. She was abandonded in Quinta do Conde and she was there, on the road, trying to avoid cars. When she arrived here, she was completely savage. We could not touch her, she was in such panic.
A typical animal who had been given little affection and who lived in permanent fear of everything.She is small. Not very old. She continues being scared and she only allows herself to be touched in passing. But in her kennel she is a queen!
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