segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009
sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009
Motard: Apadrinha-me!
Até que um motard parou e ajudou a apanhá-lo. Assim foi "baptizado".
We would like to increase Motard's quality of life so we are asking for help either by donation of such medications (they exist under various names) or by a financial donation to buy the medication.
Monty: Apadrinha-me!
Macho, ~ 3 anos, porte medio
O Monty foi abandonado no dia 22 de Junho/08, de manhã, por os seus donos, um casal que veio do Montijo mesmo para ali o abandonar.
O Monty é um amor, muito assustado, foi um animal mal tratado, tem medo quando nos aproximamos, esconde-se e baixa-se. Tinha um problema nos olhos, mas foi operado no dia 22 de Agosto 2008. Agora está óptimo da saude mas continua timido.
Male, ~ 3 years old, medium size
Monty was abandoned at the shelter on 22nd of June/2008 in the morning by his owners, a couple that came from Montijo especially to dump the dog in Sesimbra. There was noone at the shelter yet, they attached him, left a piece of paper with the name and their telephone number. When we called them the woman said she did not want the dog anymore.
Monty is a lovely dog, very scared and he has certainly been treated very badly as he is scared when we approach him, he hides or he lowers himself and nearly lies down.... Moreover, he had an ilness of his eyes that required a surgery: entropia (eye lids rolling in and causing re-occuring abrasions to the eyes). He was operated on 22nd of August 2008 and it went well. Since then he has been in the shelter. He is fine although still scared of strangers.
Monty antes da operacão aos olhos:
Monty depois da operacão:
Mimi: Apadrinha-me!
Cadela, ~ 3 years old, small
A Mimi nasceu na rua e era "chefe" da matilha dos cães da zona. Caçadora, eximia todos lhe obedeciam. Depois de várias tentativas para a capturar só foi possivel quando teve cachorros. Ela e os bebes foram para o abrigo. Dessa ninhada ainda temos a sua cria Maria....
Mimi continua a ser a chefona no seu espaço, qualquer briga e lá vai ela pôr ordem na bicharada. Pequena de tamanho, grande na personalidade.
Female, ~ 3 years old, small
Mimi was born on the streets, she lived there and she was a "boss" of a pack of dogs. She was a hunter and she obliged all other to obey her. After a number of attempts to catch her we only managed when she had puppies. She and the puppies were caught and went to the shelter. From this litter we still have her daughter Mary.... Mimi continues to be the boss of her space. Whoever does not behave like they should, she will go there and impose order. Small by size, big by personality.
Maria: Apadrinha-me!
Cadela, ~ 5 anos, media
Nasceu na rua e era companheira da Madalena (a cadela selvagem que deixou 3 ninhadas a Bianca e nunca se deixou apanhar) e do Assis, o filho da Madalena wue esta no abrigo. Ficava grávida mas nunca se viu nenhuma das suas crias. Nunca percebemos o que lhe aconteciam. A Bianca capturou quase todos os animais do ex Largo da GNR, a Maria era uma delas.
É muito assustada, se alguém se aproxima do seu canil, esconde-se na casota. Nos 1ºs. meses de estadia, estava sempre escondida. Tem leshmaniose. Foi tratada.
Simplesmente Maria vive tranquila, apesar do seu pânico quando recebemos visitantes.
Female, ~ 5 years old, medium
She was born on the streets and she was friends with Madalena (the wild female that left many puppies to Bianca and never allowed herself to be caught) and Assis, Madalena’s son who is in the shelter. Maria was seen pregnant a few times but the puppies were never seen. We never understood what happened to them. Bianca caught nearly all animals from the area of the former police station, Maria among others. She is very scared, if someone approaches her kennel, she hides herself in the house. During the first months of her stay in the shelter she was always hiding there. She has leishmaniasis but was treated.
But Maria simply leads a calm life in the shelter, even if she is very scared when visitors arrive.
Lusa: Apadrinha-me!
Cadela, ~ 4 anos, garnde
Foi amarrada ao portão do abrigo da Bianca. Estava magra e quase sem pêlos no corpo. Muito assustada, conseguiu fugir tirando a coleira que trazia, pela cabeça. Procurámo-la por toda a parte sem sucesso. No dia seguinte vimos-a na berma da estrada, deitada à sombra (fazia muito calor), cansada e com sede. Conseguimos colocar uma trela no pescoço e levá-la de carro. O tratamento à sua sarna foi muito demorado, durou vários meses, e hoje tem um pêlo bonito e tem cerca de 40 Kg. Pode ser desconfiada com estranhos, mas connosco é uma doce.
Female, ~ 4 years old, bog
Lusa was found attached to the door of Bianca shelter with a heavy chain. She was very thin and nearly with no fur on her body. She was very scared. She actually managed to escape by wriggling her head through the collar. We went looking for her but we could not find her. The next day we saw Lusa laying in the shade by the side of the road (it was very hot on that day), very tired and thirsty. We managed to put a collar on her and lead her to the car. Lusa had sarna, a skin parasite, the treatment of which took many months. Nowadays Lusa is a big animal of 40 kgs and her fur is dense and beautiful. She may be not very confident with strangers but with us she is very sweet.
Luka: Apadrinha-me!
Cadela, ~ 4 anos, medio-grande
Nasceu na rua. Nunca a conseguimos capturar para esterilizar, apesar de ser meiga era muito medrosa. Quando esteve grávida fizemos várias tentativas para a capturar mas foram em vão. No entanto, ela foi ter os seus bebes, numa casota de um cão á porta de uma senhora. E aí deixou-se apanhar. Levamo-la para um hotel, pois não tínhamos abrigo, há 3 anos atrás.Os seus filhotes foram adoptados e a Luka vive agora em liberdade dentro do abrigo, em plena harmonia com os outros animais. Continua com medo de estranhos mas é simplesmente feliz!
Female, ~ 4 years old, medium-big
She was born on the streets. We never managed to catch her to sterilise: she was very gentle, but easily scared. When she was pregnant we made several unsuccessful attempts to catch her. But one day she went to give birth to her babies in a dog’s house at the door of someone. Like this we managed to get her. We took her to a “hotel”, as 3 years ago we did not have a shelter yet. Her puppies were quickly adopted and Luka stayed with us. She lives in the shelter and walks around free, in full harmony with other animals. She is still afraid of strangers but nevertheless she leads a happy life!
Kirk: Apadrinha-me!
Macho, ~ 2 anos, medio-grande
O Kirk é filho da Madalena (uma cadela selvagem que nunca conseguimos apanhar) e irmão do Scoty que esta no abrigo.
Quando o apanhamos, tinha dois meses mas já era assustado. Viveu num “hotel” durante alguns meses, porque a Bianca não tinha abrigo. Por isso não foi bem socializado.
No entretanto, é mais sociável que o Scoty. Tem medo de estranhos mas deixa ser tocado por quem conhece. É sociável com todos os animais. É super meigo. É muito esperto e tem a ternura no olhar!
Male, ~ 2 years old, medium-big
Kirk is a son of Madalena, the wild female who left many babies to Bianca and never let herself be caught. He is a brother of Scoty who is also at the shelter. When we caught the puppies, they were 2 months old and already very afraid of people. We still did not have the shelter so they spent a few months in a “hotel” and they never got properly socialised.
Kirk is still very scared but more social than his brother. He is friendly with other animals and he allows to be touched by people he knows, he is only afraid of strangers. He is very gentle, has tender eyes and is very clever.
João: Apadrinha-me!
Macho, ~ 4 anos, pequeno
Vivia junto ao Mini Preço na Quinta do Conde, com a Rosita e o Zezinho, já adoptados. O João adoeceu e foi-lhe diagnosticado leshmaniose. Por isso não foi adoptado.
Ele é um amor mas assustadinho. Passa os dias na sua casota a observar ao seu redor. Se alguém estranho se aproxima, mete-se mais para dentro.
Male, ~ 4 years old, small
He lived on the streets near Mini Preço supermarket in Quinta do Conde with other two dogs, Rosita and Zezinho, who got adopted later on. João was diagnosed with leishmaniasis though. That’s why he was never adopted.
He is small. He is sweet. A bit scared. He spends days near his house or inside it, observing the surroundings. If someone whom he does not know approaches, he hides deeper into the house.
Gabriela: Apadrinha-me!
Cadela, ~ 3 anos, pequena
A Gabriela foi capturada ela Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra e entregue à Bianca. Tinha sido abandonada na Quinta do Conde andava na estrada a fugir dos carros. Quando chegou era um bicho do mato. O pânico dela não deixava que lhe tocassemos. Refilona, mas muito medrosa. Tipico de um animal que teve pouco carinho e vivia com medo de tudo. Continua assustada e só deixa tocar de fugida. Mas no seu espaço é uma rainha!
Female< ~ 3 years old, small
Gabriela was caught by the minicipal services of Sesimbra and passed on to Bianca. She was abandonded in Quinta do Conde and she was there, on the road, trying to avoid cars. When she arrived here, she was completely savage. We could not touch her, she was in such panic.
A typical animal who had been given little affection and who lived in permanent fear of everything.She is small. Not very old. She continues being scared and she only allows herself to be touched in passing. But in her kennel she is a queen!
quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009
Mickey: Apadrinha-me!
Macho/ ~ 1 ano/ porte pequeno-medio/ meigo e muito timido
O Mickey foi encontrado atropelado na Estrada Nacional 378 em Abril. Tinha uma pata partida e foi operado. Depois de recuperar da cirurgia ortopédica ficou 100% perfeito da sau apata. Infelizmente sempre foi um animal assustado e agora não deixa ninguem colocar-lhe uma trela nem ninguem tocar-lhe. É um animal muito jovem, lindo saudavel mas não está pronto para ser adoptado. Necessita de socialização. E mais uma vez pedimos apoio para esta árae. Se tem algum tempo disponivel, venha ao nosso abrigo tentar socializar um animal destes.
Ele não é agressivo, não reage, apenas tem pânico de pessoas. Há que lhe mostrar que lhe queremos bem.
Male/ ~ 1 year old/ small-medium/ gentle and shy
Mickey, e medium sized dog born around end-2008 was found in April 2009 on the national road N378 laying on the side after being hit by a car. He had a broken leg. He was treated, now his leg is fine and he runs normally but he is a very scared dog. We don't know his past but he is simply terrorised of people. For the moment he is not adoptable. We hope that with time in the shelter he'll get better. For the moment he needs fostering parents to assure him a quality life in the shelter.
Matilde: Adopta-me!
Cadela/ ~ 7 anos/ porte grande/ meiga, tranquila e sociavel/ esterilizada
Female/ ~ 7 years old/ big/ gentle, calm and social/ sterilised
terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009
Mary: Adopta-me!
Marisol: Adopta-me!
Mariana: Adopta-me!
Makro: Adopta-me!
Female/ ~ 3 years old/ small/ gentle, very calm, a bit shy but social/ sterilised
Mady: Adopta-me!
Seis foram adoptados em cachorros, mas duas ficaram: a Elisa e a Mady ...... Quando os cachorros atingem os 3 ou 4 meses as pessoas deixam de os querer. Preferem os mais pequenos. Sinceramente é errado, a partir destas idades é que se tem a certeza de qual será o porte e personalidade do animal.
No entanto Elisa e Mady cresceram dentro de um canil e os animais em canil ficam muito assustados. A Mady é lindissima, é de porte médio grande, tem cerca de 25 kg e precisa de uma oportunidade para mostrar todo o seu amor. Ela sai mesmo à mãe. Olhe para esta linda menina.
Mady is one of the litter of 8 puppies, the mother was Apple (already adopted). Six puppies were adopted quickly and two stayed: Mady and Elisa. They grew, become 3 months old and then 4 months old.... and already at that age noone wanted to adopt them. People always want small puppies because they "get used to easily". It is a wrong assumption, bigger puppies also get used to and also, only from this age - around 3-4 months - that you can be sure about how big the dog is going to be and what is his/her personality.
So Mady and Elisa stayed in the shelter and live in a kennel. Kennels don't help the socialisation of animals and this is why both Elisa and Mady are quite shy. What they need is a good adoption, someone patient who would give them love and affection and they would be really grateful to get a home.
Mady is beautiful, medium/big size, around 25 kgs. Very similar to the mother. Just look at her.