Macho, pequeno, ~ 3 anos
No dia 11 de Agosto 2008 Nik foi abandonado na Bianca. Tem apenas 3 patas, falta-lhe a pata esquerda dianteira. Pequeno, deve ter uns 5 kilos. Docinho, mas assustadinho. Ja se socialisou muito mas ainda ladra as pessoas que não conhece.
Male, small, ~ 3 years old
Nik was abandoned in the shelter on the 11th of August 2008. He has only 3 legs, the front right one is missing. But it does not prevent him from having a normal life, he can run, walk and he even lifts the back leg when he pees. He is quite scared. When he arrived eh was extremely scared but during the last year he has made a progress although he still barks at people he does not know and keeps distance from them.
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