Actualizacao: Abril 2010
A Margarida está a recuperar muito bem. É uma cadela tão meiga que está sempre agarrada a nós. Convive com gatinhos, brinca com eles e espera-se que rapidamente fique a 100% para ser adoptada. Ela tirou os ferros há uma semana por isso ainda não usa normalmente aquela pata.
Update: April 2010
You remember Margarida? A dog that was found 3 months ago laying on the side of the road with legs and hip fractures and from what we know she has been lying there for days? And the hip fracture was at least a year old?Well, she has been making a remarkable progress. After several operations she is now much better. The last cast from her leg was taken away a week ago and she can walk now although there is one leg she still does not use but she will. She is lovely, friendly, grateful. So grateful. She is now in a temporary family with many cats and dogs but needs a permanent home.

A Margarida foi encontrada na berma da estrada, mais concretamente na valeta, e pelo que foi dito, já lá estava há dias.Tem as cabeças dos femures fora do sítio e também um dos ossos da articulação da pata dianteira. Terá de ser submetida a intervenções para que possa andar... Como ela deve ter sofrido estes dias. É extremamente dócil e tem uns olhos de mel. Dizer que os animais não sentem, é desumano, ela estava a sofrer em silêncio e olhava para nós com ternura! Vamos tentar salvar a Margarida e encontrar-lhe um lar que lhe dê o que nunca teve.
Margarida was found laying on the side of the road and from what we have heard, she had been lying there for several days... She had two broken bones and the head of the femur dislocated and another fracture in the articulation of the front leg.She will need several surgeries to be able to walk again.
We can only imagine waht this animal has suffered - laying on the side of the road for several days with broken legs, without anyone paying attention to her. And yet, when we took her, she was so sweet, so submissive, so grateful. Animals cannot feel? Cannot suffer? Yes, they can - they suffer in silence, they don't complain, write petitions, make demonstrations, go on strike! They need our help. We will try to save Margarida and give her a good life she has never had.....
We can only imagine waht this animal has suffered - laying on the side of the road for several days with broken legs, without anyone paying attention to her. And yet, when we took her, she was so sweet, so submissive, so grateful. Animals cannot feel? Cannot suffer? Yes, they can - they suffer in silence, they don't complain, write petitions, make demonstrations, go on strike! They need our help. We will try to save Margarida and give her a good life she has never had.....

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